Buying a holiday home in Corsica may become complicated, so … buy in Sardinia!

on Apr 25, 2014 | 0 comments


Photo: Pascal Pochard Casablanca

The Corsican Assembly adopted a text demanding to be resident for five years on the island to access a property. It is to fight against soaring prices. The National Assembly and the Senate have yet to vote on that status.

Corsica reserved Corsicans? Even if they defend themselves against any nationalism, elected the “île de Beauté” are de facto revoke their right to property enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights, a huge part of French citizens. The Corsican Assembly on Friday adopted a text which includes an obligation to have resided permanently for at least five years in the island to become an owner of land or housing.

The original article is in French and published by “Le Figaro
Sardinia offers natural spectacles as beautiful as Corsica
See to believe

Image golfo di orosei


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